Plotted above is the location of every single health related clinic in Pakistan (From NCBC’s Pakistan Health Sites Dataset). As you can see, in the more southern regions of Pakistan, despite being thinly populated, the citizens are severely limited in their health care options. When the situation arises, they are unable to get the help they need. We intend to change that.
“A well informed policy and business environment affecting both related public and private health and IT stakeholders are required to drive scale and viability for the services to be effective. A constructive cycle of policy, execution, and assessment to educate state, provincial, district, and community level policies would generate the platform needed to introduce more and better eHealth programs to benefit people and health workers in Pakistan.”
How We Plan to Help
We hope to continually recruit groups of qualified volunteer doctors to charitably donate their time to consult with those in need. We plan to use our contacts to connect them with people in rural areas without healthcare access, along with other regions in 3rd world counties.
It all starts with the charitable doctors that will volunteer to work with our platform, once we gain the personnel we can then begin with our efforts.
We will then work with our contacts in both the Healers Organization and Redeem Foundation to connect our team with those in need. Initially in Pakistan and parts in Africa, we will then begin our next phase… growing.
After we establish ourselves within Pakistan and parts of Africa, we hope to expand our efforts to the rest of the world. With potential to even provide more avenues of access to those financially unable.